Our Vision:

We are a family of God on mission together to share God’s love with our city.

  • We believe God extends an incredible invitation to each one of us—the invitation to belong to His family. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus of Nazareth made it possible for us to belong to God’s family. As His adopted children, we seek to bless others and welcome them into God’s family as well.

    To learn more about what it means for us to belong to God’s family, listen to this sermon from our vision series, Forward Together.

  • As the Father sent Jesus to rescue and heal a broken world, even so Jesus is sending us out into that world to share the good news of his redeeming work. We seek to follow God’s leading through the Holy Spirit as we participate in his work of transforming us, our neighbors, and our communities.

    To learn more about how we participate in God’s mission together, listen to this sermon from our vision series, Forward Together.

  • The love of God motivates everything we do in God’s family. As God’s beloved children, we seek to remain grounded in God’s love. We then try to model the tangible, winsome, sacrificial love of Jesus in our daily lives.

    To learn more about what it means for us to share God’s love, listen to this sermon from our vision series, Forward Together.

  • Chicago is a beautiful, complicated city, and it is our home. We commit to seeking the wellbeing of our city, making the concerns of the city our concerns, and investing in the flourishing of the place where God has called us.

    To learn more about why we seek to bless our city, listen to this sermon from our vision series, Forward Together.